
Publications and talks in reversed chronological order.


  1. Exploring the performance of the topological energy method for object and damage detection from noisy and poor databases
    Manuel Pena ,  Sergio Muñoz ,  and  María-Luisa Rapún
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., Jul 2024


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    Multifrequency Linear Sampling Method on Experimental Datasets
    Peter MonkManuel Pena ,  and  Virginia Selgas
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Nov 2023


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    Processing the 2D and 3D Fresnel experimental databases via topological derivative methods
    A CarpioM Pena ,  and  M L Rapún
    Inverse Problems, Oct 2021


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    Application of the topological derivative to post-processing infrared time-harmonic thermograms for defect detection
    Manuel Pena ,  and  María-Luisa Rapún
    Journal of Mathematics in Industry, Dec 2020


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    Detecting Damage in Thin Plates by Processing Infrared Thermographic Data with Topological Derivatives
    M. Pena ,  and  M.-L. Rapún
    Advances in Mathematical Physics, Jan 2019